The Prophet asks

What just happened in the US elections? I need your help, please, in figuring this out. The Republicans keep trying to cancel out the Democratic vote.[1] What is happening?

"This is a big deal in my family. We war with each other around the Thanksgiving table-- even over whether we get our inoculations and whether the coronavirus is a myth invented by evil scientists."

Why can't this be just a friendly competition, a back-and-forth between fans of the Red Sox and the Yankees around a friendly family dinner? Democracy vs Republicanism is just another competition game, could it be?

"The food is good, and the cooks are fantastic-- But we will kill each other before Republicanism will accept that majority vote can change whether God's law reigns supreme in the land."

Amen. Yes.

"Well come on! Please suggest some way out of this! I am at war with my parents over this."

Do you love your parents?

"Yes, but it gives me a headache to hear my parents' angry and frustrated shouts about how democracy somehow stole the last election. People voted. What do you want from democracy?"

So you wish that Republicanism would be more realistic-- Is that it?

"Part of it, maybe. I think I want the Republicans to act more like adults. An adult should act responsibly. Today's Republicanism acts irresponsibly like the bull elephant in a china shop-- crashing everything around as if God gave the Republicans the right to crush everything."

That's the deeply engrained Republican imitation of property. Can you give me an example? Let's start our discovery with the last four years so that we all start from the same facts-- and many of these facts we remember from just the last few yesterdays.

"But the facts of Republicanism are different from the facts of democracy."

Facts should not lie

How about the number of votes for Trump and Biden?

"The big fact different between democracy and Republicanism is how many [legal votes] Biden got. God does not want some colors of people to vote, you see-- so those votes are [illegal]. Get it? America is a republic and not a democracy. ... And I see from your transcript display screen that you altered what I said by putting brackets around [legal votes]. Why?"

I put the brackets around the [independent variable]-- the [x] in the broken module of the Republican brain. We are headed toward a computer model of What the Hell is wrong with the Republicans.

"I can tell you what is wrong with the Republicans-- The Republicans are just selfish and cruel and power hungry."

Does anybody here have parents who both voted for Trump?

"Yes. I did."

And were your parents selfish and cruel and power hungry?

"No. But they beat me to keep me on the right path."

Were your parents right about the right path?

"No. Absolutely not-- They were absolutely wrong-- Look at the last five years-- Republicanism is morally wrong. My Republican parents beat me regularly, but they never beat me for anything that I did that was wrong."

So what was wrong with your parents?

(another voice from the other side of the room) "My parents were pretty much right. But they surely did not vote for anything having to do with that Trump!" (laughter in the room)

Ok. I hear you. I am neutral-- and I strive to show compassion for both the Democrats and the Republicans in this predicament.

What neutrality means

"How can you possibly be neutral when the Republicans do such reprehensible things? Look at the reprehensible justices the Republicans have forced into the federal courts-- against the votes of the majority of Americans."

Reprehensible, those justices that Mr_T appointed, yes!

"What! And you say you are neutral?"

What would I have to do to fit your idea of neutral?

"You failed at being neutral when you said that Trump's justices are reprehensible. That is just an opinion of yours as a sinner."

Neutral means that I just apply the law to what just happened. Somebody hit the pitch, and the ball went into the stands clearly outside the baseline, so it is out-- and I am neutral.

"I'm a Republican, and you completely misunderstand American law-- American law is and will always be based on religion-- the true religion."[2]

Unless the godless heathen throw religion out, right?-- Suppose the godless heathen win the election.

"You are twisting what I said."

I tell you what-- I am neutral. I will help you write your own book about how religion is indispensable to the success of the Biden Administration-- but that is your book.

"Why are you trying to cut religion out of American culture?"

Religion is an indicator, not a cause

Religion has a place-- and in this discussion I ask you please to teach me what it would take for all of us to have a peaceful communion around the Thanksgiving table-- all of our views-- with our parents and siblings and cousins.

"We would have to get rid of this coronavirus division first."


"And the Republicans refuse to deal with the facts-- even the facts of viruses."

Do you know why?

"You want me to be more tolerant?"

Not necessarily. How many in the room had confrontations with a Republican mom or dad who could not deal with reality? (several hands raise)

"I finally just stopped talking back. I tried to change the subject."

How did that work?

"Infuriating. I was boiling over inside. Not good."

So let me suggest something different from just falling silent.

"It does no good to talk back to their Republican nonsense."

What you might do is opera-- You know-- one of those howling matches-- with full orchestra accompaniment-- all singing at the same time sometimes-- the singers may not even be singing about the same thing-- the father is demanding that the son obey-- your mother is chastising you on a different polyphonic line-- and the son is singing just as loudly as his father that he can't wait to leave home. But they all harmonize-- they are singing together-- in balance with the orchestra-- and with the lights.

"My father would have beat the Hell out of me if I tried to do opera at him-- he beat me for the betterment of my soul-- as my father would say."

So you, the child, had to rise to the occasion-- and act like an adult who takes responsibility for what you knew your father might do. What could you do that would make a difference?

"But if I give in to my father-- because I know what he will do-- then I have no possibility of getting my father to do the right thing-- which would be to get a coronavirus vaccination."

That is the decision point, yes.

"What does this tell us about the strange actions of the Republicans in Washington?"

(pause) We will get to that, yes! But look at what we have uncovered about the forces of this hurricane in our families-- among our varied cousins.

"I cannot believe how united against women the Republicans have been for the last four years-- eight years-- even further back than that!"

What is special about Republicans

How can we use the dynamics around our limited Thanksgiving family gatherings?

"Thanksgivings past-- You should have heard the hate thrown at the woman in 2016 who had the audacity to run for President!"

That hate of the Presidential woman is part of Republican natural law, as backed up by the law of God the magnificent.

"You mean the Bible?"

No, I do not mean the Bible. I mean that King James book-- (reading from the King James teleprompter)-- Unto the woman God said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. . . . Is that fair?

"That's not fair! You are trying to convict the Republicans of gender bias against women, and that verse fails-- because that verse does not do gender bias on women, and you know it. The next verse . . . ."

Sure, sure. Maybe God is just exercising his First Amendment rights, okay?-- and He shall rule over thee. How do those words make you feel?

"My family prayed that God would do some miracle and lock Hillary Clinton out of the 2016 White House. They said, I hate her. I hate her! God hates her."

Cause and effect

And Trump said, Go down to the Capitol and I will be with thee.

"I cannot believe how bizarre the Republicans have been about that holy mob that took over the Capitol building and . . . ."

Hold it!-- please. We will get to that. How about our families? Was there anything bizarre about how our families reacted to that holy mob? How about the Confederate flags and Hang Pence chants?

"Nothing bizarre in my family."

Are you a Republican?


Nothing bizarre in your family? Then neither your mother nor father voted for Trump.

"That's right. The Republicans who broke the windows and beat down the doors of the Capitol are the bizarre ones."

Maybe not. This is absolutely normal behavior for part of the human genome-- absolutely normal for our cousins, the Republicans.

"(from somewhere in the middle of the room) Do you mean the Republicans of today?-- or the Republicans of Abraham Lincoln's day."

I would like to emphasize that we all-- all of us in this room-- descended from the same ancestors-- about fifty thousand moms and dads who lived all at the same time-- a long time ago in Africa.

"I have some Neanderthal genes in my ancestry-- according to my ancestry genetic test."

Ok. But those Neanderthal genes still originated in Africa-- even the ancestral genes that rejoined our other cousins in southern France and then much later on became you. And now-- today-- we must care for our cousins, the Republicans.

"Wait a minute! Are you kidding me? I am a Republican-- and several others of us in this room are Republicans who voted for Trump-- and we voted for Trump again on November 3, 2020. So watch what you are saying!"

Respectfully, madam, I am saying that all of us here-- since we are doing the real work that many of humankind around the world have been avoiding in these days of dissonance-- All of us here must care for our cousins, those with the Republican genes-- in every country. We must handle the Republicans in careful ways like we must care for our babies that we can accidentally break-- We must treat our Republicans like people that cannot yet take responsibility for themselves in this complex and very confusing world of fast machines and nuclear bombs.

"Stop! Stop! I am sure you would like to be neutral-- but it seems to me that you are putting a heavier burden on the Democrats-- the Democrats have to care for the poor Republicans? P-lease . . . ."

That's right-- because the Republicans are incompetent-- crazy-- because in our democracy the Republicans can wreck civilization if they win the election. Look at the hurricanes against democracy that regularly self-organize among the Republicans all over the U S of A.

"I think a better approach would be to chastise the Republicans into acting like responsible adults."

Seeing [the system]

Let me give you a simple hypothesis-- a working hypothesis. What is wrong with Republican morals? Please help me think through all of this.

"Let's have it."

The mental defect of the Republicans is-- the Republicans cannot comprehend [the system] that gave us birth.

"There! (pointing) Look again at your transcription screen! You inserted brackets around [the system]."

Yes, I did. Here is why . . . . You can help me think through the huge problems in the last six years even if you supply your own term for [the system] that gave us birth.

"How about [God] who gave us birth?"

Sure. I would have no problem worshipping in your mosque, or synagogue, or church-- if you will help me as you are here today-- developing mechanisms for helping the Republicans get out of the mess that they are in today.

"How can we help you?"

Please advise me on how you think I should change my book and the page you are reading right now so that what you read is more useful to you in the problem-solving you do with the other people in your life. From time to time I will ask you specific questions; I value highly your answers; your answers give me the best insights into reality. I keep sound file recordings of what you say-- I consult your writings and the recordings of what you have said-- to speed my slow learning when you give me permission. Thanks.

"What do you think of when you use your term [the system] that gave us birth?"

I think Genesis gives an excellent algebraic view of [the system] that gave us birth-- The genealogy, the generations-- Plus poetic and memorable causes for the obvious flaws in God's handiwork.

"Obvious flaws?-- What obvious flaws?"

Anti-woman, anti-science, and anti-reality-- Look at every one of the Trump voters, even the Republican survivors in the House, Senate, governorships, state legislators, federal, state judges and Supreme Court-- Anti-woman, anti-science, and anti-reality-- all of which a Genesis diagnosis measures as mentally defective.

"Measures? How?"

Sure-- Give the diagnostic test-- Just give any Trump voter seven minutes to explain [the system] that gave us birth-- They wander off into a wilderness of conspiracy theories that blatantly contradict the texts that they use to try to convert you.

"That's not fair! You are saying that God created the heaven and the earth is a conspiracy theory?"

In short . . . Yes. But let's remember the purpose of having this discussion-- We want to establish some indicators among those of us who want to mainstream the Republicans, particularly our Republican parents as our first simulation-- mainstream our [parents] into civilization. What can we do?-- How do we measure if we are making progress? Suppose we take seriously the challenge of mainstreaming our Republican parents into the responsibilities and honors and privileges of civilization.

"Parents won't like that!"

You have to be careful-- loving-- and compassionate. How many in this room have already gone through this with your parents?-- getting your parents out of their depression and anger. (several hands raise) What did you do that worked?

"I was very frustrated."

How did it end for you?

"No end. I gave up on trying to fix my dad and cheer my mom. But it was not a dead end. I discovered how to cry with my mom-- and sing with my dad."

What do you do if your child cannot see?

Why women are not paid for their work

"My mom and dad were my charges, yes-- and my mom and dad had defects-- maybe mental defects-- individual defects-- they could not see-- they could not understand-- That made it really difficult for them to vote for anything other than some preacher of an outlandish religion-- or they voted for the delusional healing powers of markets."


"Some of us have Republican parents that are atheists-- And the Republican atheists have the warped idea of Let go and Let the markets. Deregulate-- get government out of the markets-- and that will make it turn out all right. Agriculture won't work that way-- The weeds take over."

Maybe. So, for the atheist Republicans, the [market] substitutes for the variable [God]?

"What does that mean?"

The question before us is-- What do the Republicans see?-- What do they want? What will make the Republicans feel a part of civilization again? And in our computer model for What the hell is wrong with the Republicans, the Republicans do not comprehend [the system] that gave us birth.

"I think you are wrong. I am a Republican, and I comprehend as much as you do about God, and I comprehend a whale of a lot more than you do about the market."

Yes. I thank you for coming today to help us in this discussion. Given that your daughter and son voted against Trump, what is it that your son and daughter do not understand about you?

"I want my son and daughter to get right with God."

Ok. Don't you think your daughter should understand why the market does not pay her for her work?

"My daughter gets paid-- Plenty."

How about you? Did the market pay you for your work in parenting such a valuable daughter?

"No. I had to sue the hell out of my ex to get what belonged to me-- and his attorney tried to cheat me every way that he could."

So what happened to Clinton?

(from the other side of the room) "I could not believe the press not noticing-- The press did not notice that the Republicans attacked Hillary Clinton whenever she got progress on getting women paid for the work that they do!"

How do you mean? Can you give us an example?

"Sure. Can you put up on the screen that citation I gave you?-- Hillary Clinton had just organized that series of United Nations conferences that had gotten many women all over the world to understand how the markets cheat women-- so that women are not paid for the value that they deliver to markets."

(mumbling, then groans in the room)

I would appreciate it if you would hold your feminist comments for a different session here, ok?

(with a certain righteous fury) "I'm not making a feminist comment. I am making an observable economic statement. Pay attention! The markets do not pay women for the value that women deliver to the market."

Maybe. Can you give me a good best example of what you mean by observable?

"Sure. Here is a falsifiable hypothesis-- In 1970-- before blind auditions-- the best conductors of the New York Philharmonic could not hear the quality in Beethoven's music when they saw a woman play it. So the demand side of the free market is screwed up-- The free market does not respond to the quality in a woman's work--The whole Republican agenda is infested with Anti-woman crap."

Maybe they are just biased against women. The Republicans have a warped moral obsession about women staying barefoot and pregnant in the man's kitchen-- for zero pay, by the way.

"You think the Democrats are any better? Who has to spend their time taking care of the democratic kids?"

Yes, I know what you mean. It's always supposed to be Mom that does the round-the-clock.

"But that is the way that God created Adam and Eve."

But God clearly got it wrong-- Wrong for modern times.

"That's what You say. And you are wrong."

Yes, I will keep that in mind. So what advice do we give to our ten-year-olds?

"Why do you focus on ten-year-olds?"

Because around ten, each of us has a clear vision of how to fix the mistakes that God has made. Then something happens . . . .

"You have deliberately selected the people in this room so that half of us know that God was right and You are wrong."

Yes. Thanks. That is democracy. And my challenge is to get all of us to write what we know is right-- That is what democracy is about-- Expression-- Personal expression-- Each of us is a light-- and each of us is right.

"Perhaps you think you are making a pun-- Each of us has rights. That is the right way to define democracy. We have rights under the Constitution to keep the government out of our free markets, and to keep the government out of our state."

I feel quite free, yes, in punning right and rights and right on-- and write on paper-- because that is how that Lady wrote that first draft of that King James book. Puns and puns and more puns.

"Can you explain that?"

Many of us in this room are writing books and making websites. Our first task is to put each of us on the right path for writing our own books-- and our discussions-- and web sites-- This is what democracy is.

"How did you make that first graphic that filled the screen with Trump rioters and scrolled up slower than the text?"

I will give you the details later-- It is like the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil-- You can make a moral choice only if you have the technology to change the path of reality by making a choice-- by making a choice in how you use the technology that actually can change reality.

"Yes. But the Republicans clearly-- judging from what happened in the Trump administration-- the Republicans have no knowledge-- not even a glimmer of conscience-- or even an ability to distinguish any difference between good and evil."

Would you say that Democrats are any better?

(a wise witch[3] in the middle of the room speaks) "I would like to add some admiration for all the parents of the people in this room. Too many of us in this room are encouraging kids to challenge their parents' voting-- and the kids will try to referee the rants of their parents across opposite ends of the dinner table-- and will judge their parents' prayers made to God . . . . Whoa! (pointing up to the transcription screen) I see that you altered the transcript screen up there to characterize me, even with a footnote to Samuel, as a wise witch. That's not fair."

So what would a responsible adult do?

"I would hope that you-- (pointing)-- and I mean you-- would recognize the rights of Republican parents to discipline their wayward children. No ten-year old should be allowed to break free of godly parents to go the way of atheist swine."

Oh, okay-- that would be your book-- and I will help you write that book-- I will help you write that book the way that you want to write it-- that would be your song. But what would you suggest for a ten-year old?-- what should the ten-year old do if his mom and dad won't let him learn physics?-- Should he study it only at night under the bed covers with a flashlight? It's wicked isn't it according to that King James book-- learning real physics-- real math-- real biology.

"When that ten-year old grows up to be twenty-one, then and only then does the ten-year old have the right to join the marketplace in ideas and preach his own gospel-- even the gospel of science."

Only preaching provides Republican proof

Republican morals are feeble in the face of reality-- because Republicans reject reality. And consequently Republicans can find their way only by searching through the commands of some fiery preacher-- and Republicans can't follow the plain text-- particularly the Republicans on the Supreme Court. So have some compassion for the challenge that Republicans face in the modern world of science and cause and effect!

"There you go again! You are implying that Democrats are more capable than Republicans. Stop it."

I am merely insisting that Democrats are capable of the task of saving civilization-- because the Democrats demonstrate a comprehension of [the system] that gave us birth-- enough so that the Democrats are capable of caring for the system of civilization-- They have to-- including caring for the humanity of the Republicans who periodically-- without knowing why-- organize themselves into hurricanes of destruction-- just as we saw in the last four years of the Trump administration-- and floating on and on into the furors of the Republican Supreme Court.

(from the other side of the room) "What is wrong with the Trump voters? They still put Republicans into the Senate and into the state legislatures!"

I can see what you are saying . . . . But for today, I want to approach this predicament in terms that both the Republicans and Democrats in this room can use. Is that possible?

"The damned Democrats ought to repent of their sins and get right with God."

Most educated people would have No Idea of what you are talking about. But I am with you. And there you are! The religions growing out of that King James book all bang us over the head with our [sins] and preach some [fix] for what is terribly wrong with us.

"Ok. So did you [get right with God] yet? And stop changing what we say here by putting [brackets] around our words on that transcription screen."

I would suggest that each of you will want some indicator similar to brackets when you construct your own useful computer model for What the hell is wrong with the Democrats-- or wrong with the Republicans.

"How would [brackets] help?"

When the Democrats win the elections, they bring back [choice] and [marriage equality] and [democracy]. But when the Republicans win elections, they bring back [servitude to the alpha] and [anti-choice in marriage] and [throwing out the immigrants]. Given the nature of your own certainties, what great adventure do you have for us?-- in your own book and on your own website?-- I will help you do that. You can use all of us in this room to help you with that.

"But there is a fundamental difference between [spin] and [facts]."


"However, the Democrats invent [facts] like evolution and then spin everything to teach only evolution."

Ok. Maybe. Do you know why Democrats do that? Did your parents do that?-- teach only evolution to you?

"Yes. My parents banned the Bible from our dinner table."

Did they really?

"Well. They made clear that the Bible was wrong."

Do you get the feeling that Democrats keep reminding you that the Bible is wrong?

(from the other side of the room) "The Bible is not wrong-- no more than Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet-- is wrong. The first draft of the English Bible first appeared back in the time of King Solomon as just a story, with a main character God that the author-- you say was a woman . . . . She patterned her character God after the most dynamic man in memory at that time, namely King David-- recently deceased and gone to . . . ."

Rather sacrilegious wouldn't you say?

"No, I wouldn't say sacrilegious. I would say something more like a Saturday Night Live routine, in fun-- and in loving celebration-- with snakes and apples and sudden nakedness. The first author shaped The Creator as loving and caring and capricious-- as self-centered as the author's lover and seducer-- and father of her son Solomon-- Solomon's father, King David-- with all of the beautiful male pomposity of . . . . -- of whoever magnificent comes to your mind right now.

Leonardo DiCaprio



How about a world rescue?

"Good. What you need in your book, and on your website, is the clarity from an [allegory]-- or an [algebra] that gives some real meaning to your accusation that the Republicans have some genetic defect that cripples the Republican morals.

What would you suggest?

"How about that good Christian allegory of [original sin]? You could use original sin to sell the idea that all men have inherited mental defects-- namely the temptation to break God's law. Hence, all men are fallen-- unless they repent and are later imbued with the Holy Spirit."

Ok. I would not mind using original sin as an allegory or an algebra-- if-- if that [original sin] allegory or algebra would help the Republicans avoid the temptation to destroy civilization.


Yes, in the original sin model, people inherit hungers for sin that they cannot control-- The simple physical example is the rising number of people that cannot control their hunger for sugar, salt, and burned fat-- basically a fast-food diet-- so the Christians in middle America get fat on their temptations.

"What you forget is that original sin applies just as much to the Democrats as to the Republicans."

No. In this case, I did not forget. The [allegory] or [algebra] that my team needs must explain why only the Democrats today have what it takes to diagnose and counteract the last six years in the United States-- placing this conversation somewhere in 2021.

"Are you convinced that only the Democrats are right?"

Quite the opposite. The [allegory] or [algebra] that my team needs will explain how wrong the Democrats were during the years of the Roe v. Wade Court-- For example, Roe v. Wade was wrong.

"Oh please! What was wrong with Roe v. Wade?"

Roe v. Wade tried to over-rule [God's law]-- contrary to the votes of democracy-- democracy as in all the anti-woman votes in Texas, just for example. That is what was wrong with Roe v. Wade.

"You don't believe in God."

It does not matter whether I believe in God. I am neutral-- and I strive to be compassionate with both those who have Republican genes and those who have democratic genes.

"Are you hinting that you are against abortion?"

I am neutral. I am saying that Roe v. Wade was a bad engineering decision-- and makes the ship of state unstable. Now, the Republicans have learned to jam the Supreme Court with despicable justices just to protect [God's law].

"Why do you bring up God's law?-- if you don't believe in it."

Because the Republicans freak at the prospect of democracy declaring that God's law is unconstitutional.

"Nope. I'm a Republican, and I simply insist that I must be able to live by God's law in my life."

And by extension, you insist that God's law must reign over your neighbors, right?

"If my neighbors would be honest with their inner light, my neighbors would follow God's law, yes-- Is that what you mean?"

No. That is not what I mean at all. In my universe there is reality.

(from the back of the room) "Time. Ok, now we all move into our separate caucuses-- the Republicans to the right and the democrats straight ahead through those doors."

The Democrats need a plan

So what do you think?

(from the front row) "I am a Republican. I voted for Trump. I would love to convert you to the life of righteousness, but I don't think you will try to convert me-- So I think I am safe. I want to be in this caucus with the democrats to see what it is that keeps pulling my children into rejecting their Christian up-bringing."

Welcome, welcome all.

(from the side) "Why did you leave the brackets off reality in that transcript screen up there?"

The Republicans do not have a reality module in their brain.

"Do you mean?-- that the Republicans cannot learn physics?"

The Republicans certainly can learn to preach anything that gets the crowd to roaring-- reality be damned. Look at how the Republicans so quickly converted to preaching Mr_T's stolen election claim.

"Wouldn't it be simpler for you to write your book about advanced techniques for convincing the Republicans to be civilized?"

Waste of time-- trying to convince the Republicans to be civilized. It's too late for that-- The Republicans have discovered the deadly shortcut-- the power of jamming their religion onto the Supreme Court.

(from the corner at the back of the room) "At the break, someone mentioned the possibility of tightening your definitions and measurements-- distinguishing work-- from what you call work avoidance-- Something like the Carnot cycle for the steam engine to distinguish work from just blowing off steam. Clearly, the Trump administration and the Republican Party of 2021 are work avoidance. But you need something measurable for work-- something like [Force times the distanceAgainstTheForce]."

Yes. Where is my thermodynamics crew?

(from the middle of the room) "You should write an explanatory paper that starts from the state function of the nation-- What would be the variables of the work function W(x,y,z)?-- W of delta x, delta y, and delta z.? And would time, t-- be a variable?-- otherwise how are you going to show time periods of work compared to maybe long periods of work avoidance?

Anybody have a good idea?

(from the front of the room) "Actually, what I heard at the break was this idea that what you and your thesis advisor called the [Reagan hurricane of destruction]-- now manifested as the Trump hurricane of destruction-- is just a recurring manifestation of the Hamiltonian of the possible states of energy in which the Republicans surrender to their particle nature with zero morals and no understanding of what has taken them over."

Hamiltonian? Do we need to learn rap and put on Colonial wigs?

(laughter in the room) "The Vice President saw the whole insurrection come roaring through the halls looking for him-- roaring through the halls and busting through the glass doors-- looking to hang him-- on banners with his name. And he still didn't get it!"

No. He couldn't. He was freaked. The Republicans were freaked-- freaked as a collection of just atoms colliding in the void-- like the water and air molecules freaking into a hurricane that turns around to destroy anything civilized in its path.

"Now that's not fair. The Republicans have just as much free choice as the democrats!"

But they don't-- The Republicans have zero free choice-- because they are caught in the freak of . . . .

"Freak of what?"

Freak of glossolalia-- Gibberish-- Speaking in tongues-- speaking like the ex-President's attorneys inventing nonsense Republican defenses-- spouting textualism without ...

"But why!"

That's where the ten-year-old Galileos with two Republican parents can help the rest of us. Who has some insight?

[1] The Editorial Board, "The Republicans Who Embraced Nihilism," New York Times, December 11, 2020, ("Texas’ attorney general, Ken Paxton . . . asked the Supreme Court to overturn the results of the presidential election [in four states outside Texas]. As a legal matter, this is the rough equivalent of objecting on the grounds that the other side is winning.")

[2] See, e.g., William P. Barr, "Remarks as prepared for delivery," (lecture, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, October 11, 2019) (accessed January 18, 2021) (copy on file) (arguing to a law school audience that the First Amendment reflected "the Framers' belief that religion was indispensable to sustaining our free system of government" and asserting that "God's eternal law" is right and that the democratic creations of "abortion rights" and "same-sex marriages" are wrong).

[3] See, e.g., I Samuel 28:13 (reporting that the witch of Endor offered empathy in addition to handling the king's business of the day, saying, "let me set a morsel of bread before thee; and eat, that thou mayest have strength, when thou goest on thy way").